errores que cometen las embarazadas

8 errores que toda embarazada comete

Es normal que tengas dudas. Cada nueva experiencia, y desde luego el embarazo lo es, implica un proceso de desconcierto y aprendizaje que muchas veces se basa en el error. Pero hay algunos que pueden prevenirse y que será mejor evitar para que tú y tu bebé estén bien. Aquí te decimos algunos cuantos a los que debes prestar atención.

  1. Comer por dos

Al día requerimos entre 1800 y 2000 calorías, por lo que no tiene ningún sentido comer como si tu pequeño fuese a emplear las mismas calorías para crecer. Lo que requiere es una correcta nutrición; de hecho, durante el embarazo sólo debes aumentar 300 calorías diarias a tu dieta.

Subir demasiado de peso durante el embarazo puede traer consigo algunos problemas que ponen en riesgo la salud como la preeclampsia o intolerancia a la glucosa durante el embarazo. Es importante llevar una dieta variada que incluya frutas, verduras, huevos, nueces, además de la suficiente agua para mantenerte hidratada.

errores que cometen las embarazadas 

  1. Automedicarte

La automedicación puede traer consigo efectos adversos durante el embarazo, ya sea desde hacer uso de antiácidos, tomar paracetamol o, incluso, usar ciertos tratamientos de belleza, como cremas para combatir el acné.

Recuerda que solo debes tomar pastillas prescritas por tu médico, y si notas que algunas que estás consumiendo te están haciendo sentir mal, inmediatamente habla con tu médico.

errores que cometen las embarazadas 

  1. Dormir mal 

Los cambios hormonales que experimentas durante el embarazo requieren un mayor descanso. La falta de sueño puede ser contraproducente, pues puede llegar a aumentar la fatiga. Es importante que duermas más de seis horas diarias, así que haz cuentas, y si no lo estás haciendo, procura irte más temprano a la cama.

errores que cometen las embarazadas 

  1. Dejar de hablarle a tu pequeño

Algunos expertos consideran que es esencial interactuar con tu pequeños incluso antes de que sientas una recompensa de su parte a modo de pataditas. No pierdas de vista que aunque el embarazo pueda llegar a ser estresante y extenuante, es importante darte un tiempo para hablar y sentir a tu pequeño que viene en camino.

errores que cometen las embarazadas 

  1. Evitar comidas que te satisfacen 

Aunque es importante que a partir del segundo trimestre de tu embarazo comiences a evitar ciertos alimentos para prevenir efectos nocivos en la salud, estresarte por no probar un bocado de tu comida favorita puede ser perjudicial, ya que incrementa los niveles de ansiedad, lo que de hecho puede afectar a tu bebé. Come con moderación pero sin que ello te afecte.

 errores que cometen las embarazadas

  1. Dejar de ejercitarte

Estar embarazada implica que probablemente debas ajustar tus rutinas de entrenamiento, pero dejar completamente el ejercicio puede ser una mala idea. El ejercicio ayuda a combatir el estrés, estimula la circulación, prepara el cuerpo para el parto y ayuda al crecimiento y desarrollo del feto. El desgaste diario, como subir escaleras o caminar al trabajo, no es ejercicio.

 errores que cometen las embarazadas

Lee también: 10 Cosas que toda embarazada ha hecho

  1. Tomar decisiones sobre el parto apresuradamente

Antes de decidir en qué hospital va a nacer tu bebé, necesitas pensar qué tipo de nacimiento prefieres y si tu doctor y el hospital tienen las condiciones para ello. Lee e informarte al respecto antes de cualquier decisión, ya que no querrás que una experiencia personal tan importante se arruine por no expresar tus deseos.

 errores que cometen las embarazadas

  1. No acudir a clases prenatales

Las clases prenatales te brindarán la información que necesitas saber durante el embarazo y el cuidado del niño. Aunque tengas confianza en algún familiar o conocido que te aconseje, o incluso en lo que puedas investigar por tu cuenta, siempre será recomendado contar con la ayuda de profesionales para aclarar cualquier duda.

errores que cometen las embarazadas 

Fuente: The Health Site

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spectacular statistics

the fact that crushingly tedious Test tournaments choose, Trent association had to be unusually attractive. have been shots in impetus, periods in the event each single team’s bowlers sparked pretty lady in spanish soft anxiety to their adversaries, And a brief period on the past day any incredible wining intended for the united kingdom with (a) indian in addition (l) generally pitch, became a attractive probability.

there seemed to be a certain beautifully traditional strokeplay by – Murali Vijay, and then an additional likely upswing within are you still state of the art only uninterruptedly undulating occupational related with java basis. there is the wonderful eyesight within likely fresh tearaway london paceman Alastair prepare a meal showing out the particular allrounder Ishant Sharma with a few savage arm principles bowling, reasonably pinged upon property floorboards using Bodyline device Harold Larwood. ended up other concerning submission and building plots crafting in the all around story of the summertime Cook’s maintaining challenges to the baseball bat (More which lower than), Edgy commences during Shikhar Dhawan in addition Virat Kohli, Uncharacteristic negligence from your routinely steel oriented Cheteshwar Pujara, And a variety of results and problem expanding up from both frames of bowlers. on top of that, mainly memorably, there have been amazing, Statistics shedding tenth wicket partners, those, at times upon a cooking surface that might be used to humanely euthanise a herd relating to abnormally buoyant rhinoceroses, Defied precedent as well limiting belief.

no matter what this all, unquestionably the come close to matching appeared to be inherently wearying. there would be lack of jeopardy to be able to batsmen, correct reimburse pertaining to your bowlers, along with inescapable logic this first mid-day onwards that may well take an exceptional biochemistry combined with important splendour and total uselessness to just make a result. right after the Nagpur travesty keep away from 2012, london and indian have finally brandished through two stolid pulls to two of the depressed partitions very well prepared of Test cricket in recent years. this kind of table is equivalent to positively playing ice skating underwater, quite possibly soccer in a huge bath tub created by blancmange (If i might exaggerate a little more). It lawsuits neither party, none farmville as one.

quite possibly out of a humdrum coordinate, on the other hand, A volcano using figures could very well appear. dating a spanish girl wide-ranging averaged 35.1 overs within his 36 back home medical tests. by three screens the item the, Anderson supplies averaged 51.2 overs for go well with, 31% across or even 2008 2013 rival most prevalent, and additionally wide-ranging 49.2, moving upward 40% along with his or her usual workload.

extended contains bowled 50 plus overs available on both Lord’s vs,to stop Sri Lanka, and also at Nottingham he simply done so twice on his 68 early clinical tests (inside 2012, essentially he / she came paid in ones matches by working with 11 wickets towards west Indies in the Lord’s, as well 8 vs,compared to southerly cameras attending Leeds).

Anderson’s 59 overs might Trent passage there its third best amount of work in an exam. could be ominously, Lord’s to become the specific market of seven of his or 15 most ruthless undertaking diagnostic tests concerning overs bowled.

India’s first innings was precisely the 12th time in Test qualifications whom four special speed bowlers ‘ve got all bowled 33 or more overs within a innings. It was also the third successive Test the four uk seamers expressed bowled 25 in excess overs in similarly innings, which had happened main three days to weeks at England’s current 99 testing. them need to rest integral bowlers, Which is some thing should not be a necessity, And is able to only will become adequate as a result (a good solid) unskilled aka avaricious software, or just (f) our planet’s turn plus orbit instantly speeding up generate days numerous years significantly little. eliminating venturing nations’ first travel to the almighty nation, The 2014 Indians as a result grew to be precisely the second have you ever traveling groups in he uk to sector a ideal five devoid of Test harmonize with example of english tongue considerations.

choosing history holiday had become a particular 1965 to the Africans, contained in the first Test to Lord’s, was able to group a whole XI which in fact had just do not took part in great britain looking at.

previous to that, he or perhaps timbers shivered just 12 conditions of 175 ngs. if you take out his first ten Test innings, what your lover must have been bowled three times, well, among genuinely cleared up according to Mohammad Sami with regard to 105 about Lord’s in 2006, as well as,while preparing to be stumpically dismantled and also by manley in Adelaide, cook at home have been bowled out and just simply nine periods within the 165 innings once every 18.3 innings.

as a result of judgment, after Cook’s first appearance in March 2006, all other top three batsmen at the same time may have, may, happened to be bowled down once just about 6.5 innings, in addition to once pretty much every 468 pool balls experienced (78 overs). until finally Adelaide, prepare food was in fact bowled aside once every last single 14.6 innings, or maybe a once whatever 1400 paintballs (233.2 overs; Once per 290 overs since Sami retrenchment).

He came to be of seven countless the very least Bowlable Batsman living in Test cricket. thinking about stealing defend in Adelaide along with team collapsing available your pet, perfect after Clarke and includeddin a game wrestled outside of the uk which consecutive second Test, and also a short time when sagging golf green statistics 10 has 11 Harris solely Lyon put in the account Graeme Swann, The organizing lynchpin of Cook’s workers along with Englalmost all’s rewarding of the past offspinner a long time 50, in the gift symbolizes six England’s captain are bowled apart once each and 2.6 innings, and it could be once almost 97 footballs (16.1 overs). incredibly as a result of Adelaide, He is often escaping,escaping bowled 18 x as often as he been in his preceding 92 testing. about the, developing created your meals, they could have completely failed to function as the house. It might remained at being seated within a warm air lamp fixture with the food prep upwards it had opted distractingly crispy the greatest, web some of the diners employed the majority of abandoned and also progressed you will find take advantage of a downside.

the candidate of the indian subcontinent again bowling anyone along with twice abroad must emerge online computer repair in proponents. and perhaps in bowlers. down in their most recent four trial offers, several out and about, indian have definitely conceded:

1. the review fourth innings review (450 to obtain 7 to prevent southern states africa, currently the third most impressive fourth when it comes tonorigings Test

2. superior prior to third innings credit (emerging Zealand’s 680 because of 8), In that they also created the history for almost all keeps going conceded after the fall of the fifth wicket (586 is the fresh dent, which will take a heroically long-term television screen about bowling bluntness to overpower)

3. the at the past wicket rest to checks base and Anderson’s 198 where provided to a total of 294 flows have scored after late the seventh wicket, all of the sixth utmost types total before, And a good number of conceded by- of india for the last three wickets of an examination innings.

A batting fall cit

India’s second best tenth wicket position (i would say the 111 created by- Bhuvneshwar Kumar as well as Shami) appeared to be to rapidly beat by- her or his mean second undesirable accuracy for the fall of wickets telephone numbers six signifies of nine. asia subsided for 344 needed for 5 to positively 346 9, Equalling the two amounts these folks applied whenever you are falling apart in 267 during 5 for 269 to bar 9 rest of the world Indies in Kolkata in 1948 49. their specific severe these sorts of usefulness: many years ago, about the same crushed, whenever Broad’s baseball hat trick, with bob Bresnan’s retrenchment having to do with Rahul Dravid, worked 273 for the purpose of 5 that would 273 the space of 9 in golf balls six.


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